Shadygrove: “In The Heart Of Scarlet Wood”
Rockshots Records 6 April 2018
Featuring members from Elvenking, Evenoire, and Sound Storm, Italy’s SHADYGROVE journey into our primordial and mythological past for inspiration. Like musical time travelers or aural archaeologists, they have trawled eras beyond most bands’ inspiration to create music from the soul…for the soul!
Theirs is an acoustic heaviness that is truly original and special. It’s as though, like the myths and legends that inspire them, SHADYGROVEhave always been with us, in the Celtic Otherworld, just waiting for us to look with our hearts rather than our eyes. SHADYGROVE make music as fresh as tomorrow’s dawn.
Fans of Blackmore’s Night and Loreena McKennitt will find much to love on their debut album “In The Heart of Scarlet Wood”.
Violinist Fabio “Lethien” Polo describes SHADYGROVE’s sound as “folk, ethnic, acoustic Celtic pop. We are trying to bring the popular music of our regions, mixed with Celtic and Medieval music, to a more modern view without altering its soul. We write very evocative songs to guide the listener on a journey to where nature still rules.”
Singer Lisy Stefanoni explains SHADYGROVE’s inspirations. “We love the different styles of folk music and the various approaches of the main musicians. We also love the Celtic music. In the metal genre, folk metal inspires us the most. We listen to bands like Eluiveitie, In Extremo, also symphonic projects like Ayreon and The Gentle Storm. Those who love folk-metal will certainly appreciate our songs because we all come from that musical background. We take our fans on a journey to a place where myths are real and there is evidence of the magic forces of our planet. In this world the listener can meet legendary creatures walking into enchanted landscapes or see ancient rituals happening.”
“In The Heart of Scarlet Wood” is set for release via Rockshots Records on April 6th, 2018 and available for pre-order here –