Conceived in the autumn of 2014 by the Brazilian brothers Dyd Bastard (vocals and guitars) and Bitch Hünter (drums), Brazilian trio TYRANNO make their way across the ancient era of extreme metal where black and death metal are the very same term, rooted in dirty speedy thrash metal.
Yet, the band simply tags their music as DEATH METAL, but it won’t be wide of the mark to classify their sound as speedy death metal or even the first wave inspired extreme metal. The frequent presence of Tom G. Warrior’s vintage “UGH” grunt makes it easy to trace the primary sources of their inspiration. Rehashing the morbid sound of Celtic Frost and Hellhammer with relatively clear-cut production approach, TYRANNO delivers nothing but ugliest slab of hellish assault.
In the same year of their formation, the EP “Master of Sin” was released by the label Obskure Chaos, and a year later, the split with the fellow speed metal unit NIGHTMARE was out in 12” through the label Hell Music. With Iron Lady on bass, TYRANNO played a lot of shows in their city Rio de Janeiro and others places in Brazil till the summer of 2017. After this period, the formation was changed as Diabolic stepped in to take care of the bass thundering duty.
The debut album, “Skulls, Horns & Lust”, was previously co-released by Hell Music, Vënënö Sönörö and Crionics labels. The album is currently out worldwide on CD format via PRC Music (Canada) from June 22, 2018.
TYRANNO will be kicking off their “BRAZILIAN TOUR PT. II” in November, 2018.
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Zoheb – Qabar Extreme Music PR