Synne Sanden is an experimental and expressive pop artist from Norway. In her new direction, she writes about taboo subjects, the things we’re not supposed to say out loud. Her upcoming album IMITATION is about wanting to be someone else and is a personal exploration of self-loathing, inferiority and envy.
The album is a journey through a destructive mind from the retrospective of an old, trembling self. It’s about the longing for being better and more free and an inspiration for growth.
The album is produced by Thomas Dybdahl, Bugge Wesseltoft, Lars Fremmerlid and Synne. On the album she has gathered her dream band in the team. Axel Skalstad (drums), Julie Falkevik (organ and piano), Henrik Schmidt (guitar), Julie Kleive (backingvocals) and co-producer Lars Fremmerlid (bass) are all giving characteristic contributions, the combined effort allowing the songs space to grow and bloom. Kenneth Lien (fiddle) also appears on three of the songs.
For the album, they have developed a unique style and sound, equally timeless and current with a spotlight on Sanden’s songwriting.
Synne’s style of singing and writing is free of rules and uses a full spectrum to create songs that are aggressive and wild yet with a tender and soft touch that defines the album as an interesting, emotional and nourishing piece of art.
With main influences such as Björk, Radiohead and Portishead, as well as folk song-traditions, she has a pouring-it-all-out way of singing that grabs what lays in the deepest depths of her body. It is as explosive as it is vulnerable, as often human emotions can be.
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Photo: Linneas Yversen
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