Mellow Mark and his crew shot the video clip for the original version of “Revolution” as a road trip to places with a revolutionary past in European history: Berlin, Paris, Genua, Madrid, Barcelona. The police in Monaco forced him to leave the country and by visiting La Mancha, Mellow Mark is giving a reference to Don Quixote’s “Tilting at windmills.” Additional pictures are original footage from the 1967 student revolts. A great video clip, who got the Newcomer Echo Award (the biggest music award in Germany) in 2003, the same year that Gentleman got his Echo Award for his album “Journey to Jah.”

“EchoSysDub” is the first in a row of singles from this wonderful album.

“I‘m setting sail casting off today, sharpen my thoughts try not to be afraid. And though I know it’s a stormy way I make this step ‘cause I feel it’s the right one.” (Tóke “Movements”)
Felix Rühling – Tondernstr. 14 26127 Oldenburg Germany