Quando David Laurie di Nude Records fece firmare un contratto a Geneva nel 1996, a quattro anni dalla loro formazione, era certo di avere a che fare con dei fuoriclasse:
“The first time I heard Andrew Montgomery sing, I knew. I just knew. I’d been an A&R man for a few years and was waiting for the moment. The moment when I just knew. A voice that swan-dived from Liz Fraser to Otis Reading, over music that twisted REM and Byrds guitars and Talk Talk melodies to dubby rhythms and made it look so fucking easy. From the first notes, it walked on gilded splinters and I just knew it would kiss the sky. And it did.”
In seguito alla reunion a inizio 2019, One Little Indian pubblica due ristampe importanti nella storia della band: l’album di debutto “Further” e il seguente “Weather Underground”. I due dischi saranno pubblicati il prossimo 1° novembre.

La band si è goduta il successo negli anni novanta: sono stati osannati da NME (sono stati headliner nell’edizione 1997 del “Brabus” Tour), sono andati in tour con Suede, The Manics, Supergrass, Super Furry Animals e altri, e hanno intrapreso anche un tour negli Stati Uniti. L’album di debutto “Further”, pubblicato nel 1997, mescolava un pop fortemente dark all’alternative rock, e raggiungeva le classifiche britanniche al n. 20: fra i brani che l’hanno reso popolare, “Tranquilizer” (votato da NME come Single Of The Year),‘Best Regrets’, ‘No One Speaks’ e ‘Into the Blue’. Tutti singoli da TOP 40.
“They toured the US and shot the Best Regrets video in Vegas, baby and toured and toured some more and maybe went a little crazy. As you do…” dice Laurie. “Demoing for album #2 took its time as they decompressed from road life and tried to push things forward, until a chance meeting with the similarly deranged Scot, Howie B, led to him helming the ‘Weather Underground’ sessions. Howie had just finished with U2 and he seemed to know everyone. Natalie Imbruglia, Queen Cersei and Robbie Robertson (who put them in a movie) popped in to the studio as ‘Weather Underground’ began to take shape. They partied with the Stones and fell foul of Robbie Williams.
“The music was a little further out than before, and a little further inward. The delicate swoon of ‘If You Have To Go’ and ‘Guidance System’, the 5am mind games of ‘Amnesia Valley’ and ‘Morricone’ and the lustrous techno-fear of ‘Rockets Over California’ and ‘Dollars In The Heavens’. More tunes were recorded with Tommy D and Magnus Fiennes and ‘Weather Underground’ grew stronger and darker. Unfortunately, the label grew weaker and financial issues scuppered the record. The touring continued but the band felt left out to dry, and things fell apart as things are wont to do.”
Durante gli anni duemila, i componenti della band hanno realizzato progetti paralleli e separatamente gli uni dagli altri. In occasione del ventesimo anniversario, hanno deciso di riprendere a suonare insieme: da lì, due date sold out (Edimburgo e Londra) con l’intero ricavato devoluto in beneficenza. Il successo riportato ha gettato le basi per la pianificazione del tour annunciato per quest’anno, che affiancherà la pubblicazione delle ristampe di ‘Further’ e ‘Weather Underground’ a novembre.
“And rooting through the B sides and mixes and demos has unearthed wonders” dice Laurie. “The albums were remastered, in genuinely revelatory fashion, by Barry Grint, who cut ‘Like A Virgin’, ‘Sign O’The Times’ and the last Radiohead record.”