‘Excerpts From Chapter 3: The Mind Runs A Net Of Rabbit Paths’ was supposed to be a concept set but it subsumed itself and, in doing so, became a concept piece in its own right; a fragmented journey into the id punctuated with rhythmic kabuki modal mood swings, thunderstorms and digital beeps reminding that time is ticking – something of an aside in this purely analogue recorded set. There are voices revealing snippets of the story, traffic noise, and just plain old beautiful cacophonous reverb-drenched sound when needed. It’s light, it’s dark; it’s darker still.
Photo credit: Erik Christenhusz
If ‘Tape Hiss’ was their very own sketch of a sketch for an incomplete concept album, a noisy reaction to their previous life, then ‘Excerpts From Chapter 3: The Mind Runs A Net Of Rabbit Paths’, with all its interlaced intricacies, is the realisation of their transition from punk-spiked-pop to psyche-pop protagonists.
Evolving, testing, infectious…
Pre-order ‘Excerpts From Chapter 3: The Mind Runs A Net Of Rabbit Paths’
“Recalling Brix-era Fall at their most-pop leaning” ★★★★½ Uncut
“Bluffant (…) Excellentissime” Muzzart
“Pezzi Notevoli” ★★★★ Rumore
“Un disco da non sottovalutare” Blow Up
“Folli, rumorosi e divertenti” Buscadero
“Sopravanzano, per creatività, molte delle formazioni oggi incensate” Raro Più
“Un disco fatto di metamorfosi e catarsi, sgomento e ferocia, che mi lascia frastornato, nel senso più positivo che si possa desiderare.” Polaroid